Mastering Your MagicStone

MagicStone instruments use a common lighter to release the pure essence of your cannabis flower. Our innovative design along with the unique thermal qualities of soapstone creates a real-time, smokeless experience.

The basic elements of a good hit are:

1. Nicely Ground Flower     2. A Clean Basket      3. A Good Flame

There are two approaches to warming your MagicStone instrument: using a torch lighter or using a soft flame lighter.
The blue flame of the torch is considerably hotter than the yellow soft flame, so the techniques are slightly different.


Hold your torch directly above the intake, drawing steadily for approximately 3-6 seconds. How long you warm your instrument depends on the strength of your draw. Distance of flame tip to intake depends on the intensity/heat of your flame. As you feel the air getting warm on your tongue, remove the flame while continuing to draw cool air for a few more seconds. Voila, and welcome to the Stone Age.


Hold your soft flame above the intake, drawing steadily for approximately 3-6 seconds. How long you warm your instrument depends on the strength of your draw.  As you feel the air getting warm on your tongue, remove the flame while continuing to draw cool air for a few more seconds. Voila, and welcome to the Stone Age.

Different torches have varying intensity of flames. The stronger the flame, the higher you hold it above the intake.
With a Clipper or BIC, Keep your lighter full to ensure a strong flame.


  • Draw easier and for less time initially so you don’t “cook” your flower – with a torch, this will also give you a quick sense of how far to hold the flame above the intake.
  • Don’t heat your stone too quickly. You want to warm it over a few seconds.
  • Continue to draw for a few seconds after removing the flame.
  • You’ll draw a little longer/harder or shorter/easier, depending on whether you want a light, tasty hit or a big hit with billows.
  • When heating your MagicStone instrument consecutively, each succeeding hit will be easier/quicker, as the stone retains its warmth.
  • If you’re not getting a good hit, try cleaning your basket and/or purge and refill your lighter.
  • How often to clean/replace your basket depends on the stickiness of your flower and the strength of hits.
  • Slide your thumb onto the edge of the basket to hold it in place while moving the cap on and off.
  • It’s your custom instrument, experiment a little to get your preferred hit. It’s a short, enjoyable learning curve. 
MagicStone Odyssey diagram
MagicStone Alchemy diagram